Musical Academy Alta Valdera
It is easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key and the instrument will play by itself (J.S. Bach).
The Musical Academy Alta Valdera, founded by the Municipality of Peccioli, directed by maestro Simone Valeri and managed by the Foundation Peccioliper, was born in 2007 to respond to the growing demand in the territory for a structure capable of providing a correct education and training to achieve a high level of professionalism in the music sphere.
The School aims to diffuse and enhance music as a fundamental and essential part of culture, as a factor of individual and social growth, as a stimulus to intelligence and creativity. The courses of the Academy aim at a basic musical education, at the same time they aim to set up an open, mature musician mentality that is inclined to share experiences through concerts and recitals, also in collaboration with other Art Institutes and Music Conservatories. In addition to traditional courses, the Academy proposes group preparatory workshops from 3 to 6 years where children are approached to the world of music in a playful and anti-educational way, actively participating in the construction of the repertoire according to their musical skills, in a work of rhythmic and melodic combination that aims at the maturation of the individual through respect and the need of the other.
In 2019 the music school of the Peccioli Philharmonic Society "Il Pentagramma" joins the Alta Valdera Music Academy.
The fusion between the schools is based on the push and agreement between the two institutions to satisfy a growing cultural demand in the Valdera area through high-level training courses.
The advantages are countless, first and foremost that of strengthening the interaction between the two Pecciolese institutions.
M° Simone Valeri [bio]
Corsi Accademici:
Canto lirico M° Rossana Bertini [bio]
Pianista accompagnatore Classe di Canto Lirico M° Andrea Tobia [bio]
Canto moderno M° Aurora Pacchi [bio]
Chitarra classica M° Andrea Barsali [bio]
Chitarra moderna M° Andrea Barsali [bio]
Clarinetto M° Giulia Pochini [bio]
Flauto traverso M° Marco Vanni [bio]
M° Francesca Caponi [bio], M° Francesca Cenderelli [bio], M° Francesca Rizzo [bio], M° Gabriele Piva [bio], M° Andrea Tobia [bio]
Fisarmonica, M° Massimo Signorini [bio]
Violino, Viola M° Nicola Dalle Luche [bio]
Violoncello, M° Francesca Cannito [bio]
Contrabbasso jazz M° Andrea Marianelli [bio]
Ottoni M° Massimiliano Niotta [bio]
Batteria/percussioni M° Filippo Buselli [bio]
Basso elettrico M° Andrea Marianelli [bio]
Corsi Complementari
Teoria ritmica e percezione musicale M° Andrea Lucchesi [bio]
Videoscrittura musicale M° Andrea Lucchesi [bio]
Contrappunto e fuga
Storia della musica
Spartito per cantanti
Pianoforte complementare
Musicoterapia M° Aurora Pacchi [bio]
Corso individuale
Musicoterapia per gestanti
Tecniche vocali per gestanti
Musicoterapia neonatale
Musicoterapia per anziani
Musica d’insieme
Canto corale
Coro di Voci Bianche AMAV - Direttore M° Francesca Caponi [bio]
Orchestra di fiati AMAV
Laboratori per l’infanzia:
Chitarra baby 4-7 anni M° Chiara Festa [bio]
Propedeutica musicale (3-6 anni)
Coro di voci bianche (info)
Visite e laboratori per gruppi scolastici
Awards and Recognitions (info)