Vittorio Corsini



The lighting runs along the edges of the walls: Dawn. A work of Corsini too. A white, indirect light spreads throughout the room, negating the architectural structure itself. From the moment it is switched on, the brightness gradually increases and invades the surrounding furniture. The environment, which by nature is vaguely claustrophobic, is even more denaturalised by light, resembling an autonomous and remote interior place. The space-time coordinates seem to be removed and the isolation effect is exaggerated. Taken together it creates a place for thought and reflection while the room contains the artist's interest in the development of generational knowledge, in the meaning and in the great value. So, while in Dawn an upward outburst is implicit in the same concept foreshadowed in the title, like in the slow explosion of light, in Sed necesse est the interest in intellectual knowledge as a human outcome is condensed through the accuracy of architectural design and the reference to the technique of dusting. The theoretical path, understood as the basis through which human culture has developed, regardless of any immediate applicable possibility, constitutes the necessary basis that informs our existence and our doing, as it organises itself into complex cultural constructions.

Marco Scotini edited by, Rapporto confidenziale, 2003 Gli Ori, Prato.
Marco Scotini edited by, Contatto. 1. Cantiere Peccioli: arte pubblica e progetto urbano, 2003 Gli Ori, Prato.
Cristiana Ferrario, Peccioli una realtà dell'arte ambientale in Italia, Degree thesis of the Course in Sciences of Historic-Artistic, Musical, Cinematographic and Theatrical Heritage. Historical-Artistic Curriculum, University of Siena, academic year 2009-2010.
Federica Marras, Territorio e creatività: l'esempio della Belvedere S.p.A. dalla discarica al Polo Museale, Degree Thesis of the Course in Sciences of Historic-Artistic, Musical, Cinematographic and Theatrical Heritage. Historical- Artistic Curriculum, University of Siena, academic year 2009-2010.



Artista Vittorio Corsini
Titolo Opera Dawn
Data 2002


Peccioli, Hotel Portavaldera